Friday, August 6, 2010

The Core at the College: Civilization Studies

Each sequence provides an in-depth examination of the development and accomplishments of one of the world’s great civilizations through direct encounters with some of its most significant documents and monuments. Choice of courses are below.
NOTE: Not all of the sequences that follow are offered every year and some sequences must be taken in order; consult departmental course listings.
Courses in History 
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Medicine 17300-17400-17501 (or 17502).  
Science, Culture, and Society in Western Civilization History 13001-13002 (13003). History of European Civilization* 
History 13100-13200-13300. History of Western Civilization* 
History 13500-13600-13700. America in World Civilization* 
History 16700-16800-16900. Ancient Mediterranean World
Jewish Studies 
Jewish Studies 20001-20002-20003. Jewish History and Society 
Jewish Studies 20004-20005-20006. Jewish Thought and Literature

Anthropology Courses
Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies 24001-24002-24003. Colonizations*  
East Asian Languages and Civilizations 10800-10900-11000. Introduction to the Civilizations of East Asia
Anthropology 20701-20702. Introduction to African Civilization
Latin America Studies 
Latin American and Caribbean Studies 16100-16200-16300. Introduction to Latin American Civilization
Music 12100-12200. Music in Western Civilization*
Near Eastern/South Asia History 
Near Eastern History and Civilization 20001-20002-20003. Ancient Near Eastern History and Society 
Near Eastern History and Civilization 20004-20005-20006. Ancient Near Eastern Thought and Literature 
Near Eastern History and Civilization 20011-20012-20013. Ancient Empires* 
Near Eastern History and Civilization 20414-20415-20416. Semitic Cultures and Civilizations 
Near Eastern History and Civilization 20501-20502-20503. Islamic History and Society 
Near Eastern History and Civilization 20601-20602-20603. Islamic Thought and Literature
South Asian Languages and Civilizations 20100-20200. Introduction to the Civilizations of South Asia
Social Sciences 24000-24100. Introduction to Russian Civilization
* denotes civilization studies sequences particularly suitable for first-year students

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