Friday, August 6, 2010

The Core at the College: Dramatic, Musical and Visual Arts

Through the requirements in Dramatic, Musical and Visual Arts, UChicago students are able to analyze the meaning of each venue of thought and form their own opinions about the topic they study. A new appreciation of artistic expression blossoms.

The options for this sequence are as follows:

Art History 10100. Introduction to Art
Art History 14000 through 16999. Art Surveys
Art History 17000 through 18999. Art in Context
Visual Arts 10100-10200. Visual Language
Music 10100. Introduction to Western Art Music
Music 10200. Introduction to World Music
Music 10300. Introduction to Music: Materials and Design
Music 10400. Introduction to Music Analysis and Criticism
Theater and Performance Studies 10100. Drama: Embodiment and Transformation
Theater and Performance Studies 10200. Acting Fundamentals
Theater and Performance Studies 10300 through 10699. Text and Performance

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